The Society of Friends of Bayreuth is a non-profit organization.
It has 3 executive bodies:
- The General Meeting of Members, which convenes at least once a year. All Friends are invited to attend. It has the power to amend the association’s statutes and to elect the members of the Board of Trustees.
- The Board of Trustees, composed of at least 10 members, elected for 5 renewable years.
- Only attendees at the General Meeting are eligible.
- The mayor of Bayreuth, the Chairman of the International Association of Wagner Society as well as the Board of Management members are automatically Trustees.
- The Board of Trustees elects the Board of Management and ratifies its actions, supports it in management of the association, approves the accounts, and offers suggestions for the election of new members to the Board of Trustees.
- It elects a Chairman and up to 2 deputy chairmen from among its members. Dirk Schmalenbach was elected Chairman in 2021.
- The Board of Management, composed of 5 members maximum, including a Chairman, elected for 5 renewable years by the Board of Trustees. Georg Freiherr von Waldenfels has been Chairman since 2010.
Dr. Dirk Schmalenbach, Vorsitzender • Berlin
Dr. Lutz Raettig, stellvertretender Vorsitzender • Frankfurt am Main
Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Barner • Ingelheim
Dr. Clemens Börsig • Frankfurt am Main
Alexander L. Dembitz • Mies
Dr. Peter Dieners • Düsseldorf
Oberbürgermeister Thomas Ebersberger • Bayreuth
Philipp Freise • London
Prof. Dr. Stephan Frucht • Berlin
Staatsministerin Melanie Huml • München
Dr. Joh. Christian Jacobs • Hamburg
Renata Jungo Brüngger • Stuttgart
Sebastian Kuss • München
Harry Leutscher • Emmen
Koji Nagai • Tokio
Dr. Arend Oetker • Berlin
Roland Rudd • London
James Thurmond Smithgall • New York
Dr. Stefan Spang • Düsseldorf
Prof. Dr. Frank Stangenberg-Haverkamp • Darmstadt
Dr. Clemens Trautmann • Berlin
Prof. Dr. Frank Stangenberg-Haverkamp • Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Dieter H. Vogel • Düsseldorf
Dr. Wolfgang Wagner • Bayreuth
Hiroki Wiesheu • Tokio
Dr. Wilfried Guth †
Dr. Ewald Hilger †
Dr. Heribert Johann • Ingelheim
Margot Müller †
Dr. Karl Gerhard Schmidt • Neudrossenfeld
Gerhard Wiesheu • Bad Homburg
Dr. Georg Freiherr von Waldenfels, Vorsitzender • Munich
Dorothee Bär • Berlin/Haßberge
Dr. Joachim Faber • Grünwald
Janina Kugel • Munich
Ina Besser-Eichler, Management
Kirsti Neumüller
Pierre Soldatenko
Festspielhügel 6 • 95445 Bayreuth • Allemagne (Germany)
Postfach 10 04 18 • 95404 Bayreuth • Allemagne (Germany)
Tel. + 49 (0) 921 – 229 23 • Fax + 49 (0) 921 – 130 90 • • Blog