We are driven by the desire to maintain an ongoing passion for:
- The Festspielhaus: a one-of-a-kind theatre designed by a composer of genius to showcase his works at their best
- The democratic model conceived by Wagner to make his operas at the Festspielhaus accessible to the general public. This idea lives on. Contrary to some preconceived ideas, and despite the length of waiting lists, tickets are quite affordable.
- Presenting Wagnerian opera of the absolutely highest artistic standards
- The preservation of an invaluable cultural heritage
- An artistic event with dazzling international prestige.
Our annual contribution to the Festival gives us no right to examine the artistic aspects of productions. We thus follow the Wagnerian concept: the artists must be absolutely free to create, and it’s our responsibility, all those for whom this project is vital, to give them the relevant means.
Don’t hesitate to join us: becoming a Friend is easy and affordable!